Whānau Friendly
Our dream is for the local church to be a place where all generations are present: thriving, encouraging one another and growing in faith, together. It is our prayer that the Whānau Friendly Process will help
The Whānau Friendly Process
The Whānau Friendly Process is an intentional journey with teaching and reflection for the whole church whānau to engage in together. It fosters an understanding of the collective power of the congregation discipling young people – together. It has also been created to help congregations reflect on their current ministry and discern in which ways God may be leading them in the upcoming years.
What is the Process?
The process starts with a pause to ‘Plan’ ahead. We will start by forming a representative ‘Dream Team’ who will take responsibility for leading the entire Whānau Friendly Process. In the ‘Plan’ phase, the Dream Team will pray, gather informing documentation, and prepare and plan the ‘Learn’ phase.
This is when we take time to ‘Learn’ together as a whole church whānau/family with all ages included. We have developed this phase to gather learnings in two ways:
by surveying the ministry leaders in your church and people in your community to learn about areas of strength and growth needed.
from the whole congregation gathering to watch the locally-produced Whānau Friendly film series, where they will learn about six key ministry essentials. The congregation will discuss the films, and then suggest ideas of how the ministry essentials could be lived out in your context.
This is when we ‘Reflect’ on what we’ve gleaned from the ‘Plan’ and ‘Learn’ Phases. We enter into a time of reflection and prayer as a Dream Team and ask God’s help in discerning what our actions will be as we move into our next season as a church community.
This is when we take action and make our next moves together in ministry. Out of our reflection comes a list of steps we have discerned to prioritise moving forward. We first share these with the church council, ministry stakeholders and then the wider church family: then mobilise leaders and congregation to follow priorities.
Check out the first video in the Film Series
This is the first of six videos in the locally-produced Whānau Friendly film. To view the other videos and download the resources sign up.
Key Ministry Essentials
At the heart of the Whānau Friendly Process are six key ministry essentials. These ministry essentials are introduced to the congregation in the film series and are the basis for the discernment process.
Christ-Centred -Individually and collectively committed to growing closer to Christ in our faith.
Valuing Children, Young People and their Families -Give families in our community opportunities to fully participate in the mission
Partnering with Families - We want to equip, support and resource our families
Generational Connections - Authentic connections across the generations
Faith Formation - Holistically inform, form, and transform the faith of children, young people, and their families
Serving in Mission together - We imagine mission as something all ages can participate in together.